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Too lazy to make a new April 1st post

April 1st, 2008 · Comments Off on Too lazy to make a new April 1st post

linking to a previous press release since I am lazy. Fun to remember it.


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Sins of a Solar Empire

January 28th, 2008 · Comments Off on Sins of a Solar Empire

So started on a Sins of a Solar Empire mod http://www.sinsofasolarempire.com/. In this case I hope to be leading it, but getting help. Luckily a lot of the art assets from HW2 convert relatively painlessly (especially the newer ones) and most of the work will be game play oriented (imagine that, a mod that has all of its content done before it is announced! AND before the game is out!)
I am accepting applications for help. A lot of it will be model conversion, rigging, 2D art and coding, apply in the Sins section of the forums

Here is an initial shot of some import tests, more are in the gallery.

So how will this change the warlords mod for HW2? I don’t think that much. HW2 still provides a much tighter combat platform and is scaling quite well with newer computers, so I am going to continue to promise updates! (the truth is I am pretty close to getting a gameplay and code update out, just need to work on some more things. the other big thing that is done is a completely redone sound scheme that should fix any level issues with the ingame sounds.) The important thing is that any graphical content that is in HW2 can be put in Sins and vice versa so as far as ships go it’s a very minor change. In fact HW2 requires a lot more work!

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Info on new version and driver recommendations

January 21st, 2008 · Comments Off on Info on new version and driver recommendations

I went through a minor upgrade to a cheap dual core rig, same video card, just a mobo/processor/memory upgrade

Unfortunately I stumbled across the same image corruption issues as other have had when I upgraded my drivers, see here for the solution and to post comments.

As for the new version. I am planning on making a bunch of small fixes, primarily the more obvious bugs, do some sound overhaul and scripting changes. I will be adding the new backgrounds into a new planet pack (those that are deemed ready to be used)

I may update a few ships (I have a few things really close to being finished), but since I had to reformat a lot of that work was put on hold while I transfered everything over. The Kotor vessels will be on hold for a bit as well since I opted to do a few vessels at final quality which significantly extends the work time.

The territories mod works fine, however integrating it with everything else is a challenge so I may just make that a zip file download.

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December 2nd, 2007 · Comments Off on Updates

Mod of the Year Awards

not like this mod has been updated this year, but voting is going on, and I know I do have some following

I strongly suggest you vote for AFF in some capacity for unreleased mod (actually for 2AW) http://affuniverse.com/

as for mod news, currently working on maps. I would like to publish the territories mod, but I am having trouble getting ahold of the author so it might not make the release, but it will feature significantly improved backgrounds and maps. Hopefully I will have a content package as well for the beginning of the year that will include a bunch of Kotor era ships and some fixes to the existing OLDSHIPs.big

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November 23rd, 2007 · Comments Off on Backgrounds

Some significant work is going on to improve maps, backgrounds and gameplay scripting

We are finally able to export backgrounds that are as good as or better than the stock HW2 images
one of the huge advantages is that the map object planets can now be retired in many circumstances (in certain cases they make sense) also the pebble stars are no longer needed, this should improve performance on older machines and also allow macs to play the new backgrounds and maps.

here are some of the bgs I’ve created that are imported

link to the rest of the bg gallery

and some examples in game


I am also hoping to include proper gameplay options and some other small fixes, though this will primarily be about the maps and backgrounds.

check here http://forums.relicnews.com/showthread.php?t=171167 and here http://warlords.swrebellion.com/smf/index.php/topic,198.0.html for more information or if you want to help

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Some Site updates

September 19th, 2007 · Comments Off on Some Site updates

You’ll notice a bit of thrashing around with the site theme. I finally got the Worpress gallery connector working so time to exploit it. However I needed to revert back to the default theme to take advantage of it, so I will be writing a custom theme in the next week.

Some news on the KOTOR mod that I can’t share yet, but there will be some updates to the WIP in the gallery.

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Some progress

August 6th, 2007 · Comments Off on Some progress

If you note in the gallery there has been some progress in the area of kotor era ships, I’ve been slowly building up the fleets. At this point it looks like it will be pretty much the Republic vs the sith/mandalorians though there is almost enough variety to make it three sided…

I do have 3 or 4 mandalorian ships in development at this point that are not yet ready to be uploaded (mandalorian dreadnaught, battleship and frigate) and I have made stand in models for some of the sith and republic ships. I think my next big target will be the courageous, followed by finishing the mando capitals.

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May 27th, 2007 · Comments Off on

If you’re at Celebration IV and play warlords, drop in the forums and let us know about all the cool stuff going on there!

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New Version, buggy and crap filled and over a month late

May 27th, 2007 · Comments Off on New Version, buggy and crap filled and over a month late

Development releases 0.6

GO HERE to FIND OUT MORE !!!! and about how to report bugs!

THIS DOES NOT NEED ANY PREVIOUS VERSIONS, 0.45 or CLONEWARS, they are obsolete so either archive or remove them.!!!!!

make sure you get the new planet pack file, it will be updated again soon!

SWMUSIC.Big has not been updated, you will not need to redownload it.

icons, balance settings, heck a lot of things are mucked up. The point of this release was to get all the ships back in. I wouldn’t trust using oldships.big in multiplayer, without it it should work fine in MP LAN or internet

C:\Homeworld2\Bin\Release\Homeworld2.exe -mod PLANETPACK.Big,SWSOUND.Big,SWMUSIC.Big,GENHODS.Big,SHIPHODS.Big,CORE.Big -luatrace -hardwareCursor

To enable the 0.45 ships that have not been converted use the following

C:\Homeworld2\Bin\Release\Homeworld2.exe -mod PLANETPACK.Big,SWSOUND.Big,SWMUSIC.Big,GENHODS.Big,SHIPHODS.Big,CORE.Big,OLDSHIPS.Big -luatrace -hardwareCursor

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new version soon

April 30th, 2007 · Comments Off on new version soon

currently working on getting facilities mode to work, this release won’t be as polished as the last, however it will include all of the old ships as an optional download (an additional big file)

the release will be simplified down a bit, planetpack, sounds and music will remain the same at this point, but all of the other files will be combined into two .bigs, CORE and SHIPHODS

the old ships will be released in a seperate .big, they won’t be updated at all. Effectively they are at the point they were during the .50 mini releases or only slightly tweaked from 0.45. However this will allow you to play with all the ships that have been in the mod.

If anyone is interested in working on maps or helping to convert the old ships please let me know on the forums

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